Membership Benefits There are many benefits to being part the club. Whether you are a community member, someone who spends the winter here in East Tennessee or even a visitor to the Smoky Mountains, we would welcome your input, participation and membership. Come to a informative meeting, join a ride and experience the Wheelmen! | "Being a member of the Smoky Mountain Wheelmen has introduced me to some great new rides, with some really fun people. I have made several new friends and learned a great deal about different places to ride, and different kinds clothing and equipment. For example when I was thinking about trying a smart trainer with the Zwift app, I had the opportunity to hear a presentation and try one first hand at a monthly Smoky Mountain Wheelmen meeting. Several of the members were already using Zwift with a smart trainer and offered excellent advise about using them. In addition offering a great forum for me to meet other bike riders, as a member I also am entitled to riders insurance that provides me liability coverage in the unfortunate event I am involved in a accident on a ride." -SMW President, Jay Snyder |
Safety & Insurance Benefits Our rides feature leaders who are trained on safe group riding rules and techniques. SMW meetings educate on the latest equipment and techniques. Riding with SMW's caring, informed and educated cyclists enhances safe riding and improves the experience for all. Because the club is a part of the League of American Bicyclist, we carry insurance for members that may help injured riders with expenses. Read More | Expansion of Knowledge & Advocate on Bicyclist Issues Speakers are invited to monthly membership meetings. These presenters inform and enlighten us on bicycle-related issues and concerns. We advocate to local and regional leaders to improve cycling safety and enjoyment. | Rides & Socializing with Fellow Bikers We have a ride captain and ride leaders who are trained to promote safe riding and help all participants, including beginners, become comfortable riding in a safe and informed way. | Deals & Discounts Whenever possible we work to secure deals on merchandise and discounts offered for groups signing up for local rides. Come back often to check out what is available! |
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